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An opportunity is available in Suriname to establish a cocoa processing plant to process local and/or imported cultivated cocoa beans. With increasing international demand of cocoa and cocoa products, this is a potentially lucrative opportunity with added social benefits for Suriname. The project will implement sustainable production of cocoa beans in the most efficient way, while keeping high standards for the environment and providing employment opportunities, as the cocoa bean processing industry is labour intensive.

The facility that is envisaged will be located on a one hectare site. With 45 employees the plant will be able to produce 460,000 kg of liquor per annum. An investment of US$7,676,234 will be required to establish the facility. With a minimum project life of 20 years, the payback period is expected to be 11 years and 9 months. An average annual profit of US$300,000 is projected for the investment.  

Sector Strengths

A Climate for Investment

  • Suriname is a country with extensive natural resources, cultivated land, affordable energy and fresh water. The climate is well suited to agricultural activities such cultivation of cocoa, rice bananas.
  • The cost of labor and cost of living in Suriname are low compared to neighbouring countries such as Brazil, Chile and Mexico.
  • Recently, the Surinamese government has invested heavily in infrastructural development, resulting in the rehabilitation and expansion of the sea port and the renovation and expansion of the international airports, which will have benefits for the agri-business sector.
Investor Testimonials

“KPMG sees Suriname as a country full of potential. Suriname has proven to realize economic growth while the world was in the financial and economic crisis. There are all the ingredients to accommodate long term growth: abundant natural resources, safe working environment, improving investment climate and a motivated and skilled workforce.”

Victor Bergisch, Managing Director of KPMG Assurance Services N.V.

Suriname offers a wide range of incentives for foreign investors. These include:

  • Tax based incentives under the Suriname Investment Act include a nine year tax holiday that can be extended for an additional year for large investments of at least US$ 13 million: results in reduction of corporate income tax, accelerated depreciation on assets: results in an extension of corporate income tax, or tax consolidation which results in reduction of corporate income tax due, if any.
  • In terms of non-tax incentives a license can be granted by the authorized institution regarding the repayment of the equity capital obtained from abroad to finance the investments as meant in this act, the payment of profit and/or dividend, the payment of interest and amortization for money borrowed from abroad to finance investments as meant in this act, and the payment of remunerations for management, technical assistance, knowhow, patent and such.
  • Licenses will also be granted to investors by the authorized institution for residence and settlement of foreign personnel, occupation of foreign personnel, establishment of a company and import and export of goods and services
Agribusiness worker 
(annual labour cost  = unskilled production operative)
Electricity cost
The cost for electricity for industrial use per kWh
Water cost 
The cost for water for industrial use per cubic meter.
Gas cost 
The cost for gas for industrial use per cubic meter.
Telecom cost
The cost charged by a leading telecom operator for a 3 minute call to USA
Industrial space (Property) *
capital city – give name - The total cost of industrial space based on rental fees plus any taxes and/or service charge (per sq ft p.a.)
Office space (Property) * 
capital city – give name -The total cost of office space based on rental fees plus any taxes and/or service charge (per sq ft p.a.)
Social security contributions (employer) %
Statutory social security which companies must pay on top of salaries
Select fact file categories to add to export

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Indicators for Labour Costs

Data Point Value Units Year
Labour costs (minimum wage USD per month)1 No minimun wage US dollar per month 2015
Social security contributions (employer) %2 4 Percentage 2014

1 - World Bank Doing Business
2 - EY Worldwide Personal Tax Guide 2014/15

Indicators for Utility Costs

Data Point Value Units Year
Electricity cost1 45.2 US dollar per Megawatt per hours 2015
Water cost - The cost for water for industrial use per cubic meter2 1.5 US$/m3 2006
Telecom cost - The cost charged by a leading telecom operator for a 1 minute call to USA3 0.07 USD per minute 2015

1 - Climatescope
2 - Corporacion del acueducto y Acantarillado de Santo Domingo
3 - International Telecommunication Union - ITU

Indicators for Property Costs

Indicators for Taxes

Data Point Value Units Year
Data Point Value Units Year
Top personal tax rate (%)1 38 Percentage 2015

1 - The Heritage Foundation

Indicators for Exports

Data Point Value Units Year
Agricultural raw materials exports (% of merchandise exports)1 0.7 Percentage 2014
Exports of food, beverages and tobacco (% of total goods exports)2 5.6 Percentage 2014
Exports of food, beverages and tobacco per capita2 192.5 US dollar 2014

1 - World Development Indicators
2 - Based on UN Comtrade database

Indicators for Size of Industry

Data Point Value Units Year
Agriculture, value added (annual % growth)1 0.3 Percentage 2013
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)2 7 Percentage 2013
Food production index2 154.5 Index (2004-2006 are the base of 100) 2013
Crop production index2 155.3 Index (2004-2006 are the base of 100) 2013
Cereal production2 262076 Metric tons 2013
Cereal yield2 4496 Kg per hectare 2013

1 - fDi Intelligence from the Financial Times based on World Development Indicators
2 - World Development Indicators

Indicators for Natural Resources

Data Point Value Units Year
Arable land (% of land area)1 0.4 Percentage 2013
Arable land1 60000 Hectares 2013
Forest area (% of land area)1 98.3 Percentage 2013

1 - World Development Indicators

Forest area1 147508 Square kilometers 2012

Indicators for Track Record

Data Point Value Units Year
Number of companies in beverages1 9 Number of companies 2016
Number of companies in food and tobacco1 66 Number of companies 2016

1 - fDi Intelligence from the Financial Times

Investment and Development Corporation Suriname

Brokopondolaan 97



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